Friday, June 4, 2010

1. Villages on
a. Sovereigns are crowned
Another version of the Tambo told, that in the cruise sons of King Iskandar Zulkarnain three brothers, when it was near the
Comments padusi ~ ~: either where this fairy tale is, in fact, we have encountered in traditional tambo tambo scattered in book publishing.
Sri Maharaja Kings fell slightly downward from the top of
- Descendants of Sri Maharaja Kings with "The Tiger Campa" which bersumur overgrown Agam went to the plateau which was then named "Luhak Agam" (luhak = wells). There they opened the new lands. Huma-teruka teruka new and worked with a vengeance. Ports to irrigate rice fields treated with the best.
- Descent "Forest Sheep" opens new lands also in the areas of
- Descent "Siamese Cat" to Candung-lasi and children of the king and his descendants still live in the Son of Luhak Tanah Datar. Then start the construction of the universe cleared the forest thicket, open land, chop melateh, meneruka, making the fields, built hovel, built hamlet, koto and villages.
c. The arrival Sapurba
Tersebutlah story of a king named Sang Sapurba. In the tambo said "Come ruso from Lauik". Reportedly he is very rich in the title of King and Nathan Sang Sangkala Sita from the Hindu land. He has a gold crown-lobe dihiasai tufted with pearl, glittering jewels and jewel encrusted manikam quality. At first he came from the
On one day the Sapurba want to sail occupied
Son of the country was astonished at the arrival of a versatile Sapurba luxurious and splendid. The crowd menggelarinya "Golden Deer", as his crown branching. Therefore ingenuity Dirajo Suri, The Sapurba be related by marriage, is married to his sister called Indo Julito. Sapurba The Hindu. He worshiped the idols. Then held a place of worship in a place. This place is still called Pariangan (per-Hiyang's = where worship Hiyang / god). And there also there is a temple made of land where Hindus worship. Others say that place is a place of joy.
d. Only As a Symbol of Kings
The Sapurba then been observed by assuming the title of Kings of Sri Maharaja also. But the power of government remained in control Suri Dirajo as parents, whereas the Sapurba only as a symbol. To the king's palace with his queen made "Long hall" where he also reigned. This palace is reputedly said to made of: tonggaknya terrace nettles, roots lundang role, there are drum of sticky rice, sticky rice sticks and drum beats from the stem seleguri, getangnya bark louse, have a wordpress counter and corn, etc. hilalang leaf mats. Because more and more crowded Pariangan Sang Sapurba also moved to a new place in the
For the smoothness of government appointed people who will rule under the king. Then the king with those bermufakatlah egghead. Planted two people for two people Pariangan and also to Padang Panjang. Each was given the rank of "prince" and the title "Datuk". • Dt. BANDARO Kayo and Dt. Series Maharajo to Pariangan • Dt. Maharajo Bases and Dt. Sutan Maharajo Bases for
e. Muno Sikati
A bad guy who came from across the country also arrived in the area. Because of his large and tall like a giant dragon man he dubbed "Sikati Muno" which came out of the crater of
The four princes of Pariangan sent Suri Long-meadow overlooking the Sapurba Drajo in Batu Gedang about the chaos that ditimbuklan by Sikati Muno. To maintain its prestige as one related by marriage, then go fight the Sapurba Sikati Muno. Great battle ensued many days. Sword of the Sapurba cleft-palate as much as one hundred ninety. Finally Sikati Muno dragon is dead killed by the Sapurba with a keris. Keris is called "Keris Sikati Muno" magic dagger, no tip base hit, trace was stabbed to death as well. Since then amanlah Pariangan country-Padang Panjang, and growing increasingly crowded. Therefore the Sapurba ordered again to find new lands.
One day the king himself went out, to see areas that made the country better. He went along with the accompaniment-retinue. He arrived at a place of clear water spring out from under the tree TARAB. The Sapurba thought it would be fertile ground once and made the country better. Then diperintahkannyalah opening new lands to place it. Until now it was called the River Arrow Neutral soil. Then days so famous, the seat of "Koto Pamuncak Piliang"
Besides, the prince also met a bunch of lotus flowers in the area, flower idols for Hindus. The king had set up a palace on the spot. After the palace was ready, then move the throne of the king-Padang Panjang Pariangan to new places. The new place later named Bungo Satangkai country. G second country after Nagari Pariangan in Padang Panjang.
II. Ancient Minangkabau:
Difficult for us to call it as an ancient Minangkabau kingdom in this period. Based in Pariangan Nagari Padang Panjang - to say it was the beginning of the ancient minangkabu kehidupanan community. With the development of society at that time, the ancestors are created by an order of life is more well-mannered and cultured. Since this is created and confirmed Minangkabau customary rules, which we amalkan until now. Despite berarlih community life along with the changes of society, but at kenyataanyaa Minangkabau adat and culture remain unused. A traditional indigenous proverb says "No back by the heat, not decayed by hujan.Siapapun among the sons and daughters who deliberately violate Minangkabau customary rules, it will be marginalized within their own family life.
It is said that in the year 1127, Sri Sultan Maharaja married puti Kings Indo Jelita, ie, the younger brother of Datuk Suri Dirajo. After 14 years of marriage, they have not also got a descent. So the board agreed to the kingdom, Sultan Sri Maharaja Kings remarries Puti World Cinto. After two years of marriage with Puti World Cinto, there are also no signs of pregnancy such Puti. Then the Sultan married Sedayu Puti. Upon the grace of God, in 1147, was born consort of Sultan Paduko Bases of Indo Jelito Puti, who was later appointed as the King of the Minangkabau, the title Datuk Ketemanggungan. Also born that year Puti Cinto Warmandewa of the World, which was then titled Datuk Bandaharo Kayo. Year 1148, born again of Puti Reno Sedayu Shida, later styled Basa Datuk Maharajo. Thus, King had three sons, each of the three mothers.
Year 1149, the Sultan of Kings Sri Maharaja died and at that time the king's oldest son was 2 years old. Agreed upon the royal council, the Grand Empress Indo Jelito Puti, directly holding the reins of the
1. Sutan Jatang Balun Datuk title Perpatih Sabatang Nan (born 1152)
2. World crazed title Datuk Suri Maharajo Banego nan-nego (born 1154)
3. Puti
4. Puti Jamilan born in 1159, then taken to the River Datuk Ketemanggungan TARAB and a sprig of flowers for his descendants will become kings and princes
5. Sutan Mambang th birth in 1161, after a four-year-old Suri Dirajo title Datuk title substitute mamaknya (brother of Indo Jelito Puti)
Mambang Sutan is the first nephew in Minangkabau who received degrees from mamaknya. Year 1165 ie when Sutan Paduko bases have been aged 18 years, he was appointed leader Datuk Ketumanggungan title. Although the Minangkabau royal throne, the successor to the king who has 16 years of her mother's mission to Indo Jelito Puti. In addition, all boys Sultan was crowned Kings of Sri Maharaja also be the leader.
Year 1174 - to expand the influence of the ancient Minangkabau adat and entry into the River Arrow Neutral, Lima Kaum and Padang Panjang. Each region was occupied by a prince - the son of the Sultan's three wives Maharaja Sri Kings.
Because of the growing population and population density areas Pariangan increasingly felt, the years 1186-1192 they held through the distribution of population movement Luhak Nan Tigo.
In each luhak formed several kelarasan. In kelarasan also formed several Tribes.
The tribe of Minangkabau kingdom in the area governed by matrilineal descent. Whoever the father of a child or any rank of their father, but spare their children according to his mother's tribe.
Kinship systems:
To confirm the establishment of the tribe, then constructing kinship system in which women as a successor to the lineage on the basis of tribe. They maintain the property. From the legacy, bequeathed to the offspring of women. Customary rules, which is called matrilineal. Only two regions in the world who use the rules of matrilineal. One area the Indian hinterland, the home of his fathers before 2000 years BC. And another one growing in
For women's inheritance is not for personal benefit, but for the collateral descendants of tribal life. In the year 1292, great-grandson of Puti Jamilan, named Princess Dara stakeholders Crown Princess of Orange, married to Mahisa Anabrang, Commander Singashari, the family of King Kartanegara.
Before she married first at-islamkan Mahisa. Year 1293 Puti Orange Dara was pregnant, left home to follow her husband who was summoned by the king Singhasari First Majapahit (Raden Wijaya). Princess Dara Orange brought with him the half brother of Dara Petak Puti for child caregivers who will be born. A few months dikerajaan Majapahi, Mahisa Anabrang - Singashari take it. Here's where Dara Orange - gave birth to her son who was named Adityawarman. Then brother Dara is Dara Petak Orange, was married to (Raden Wijaya) - The first King of Majapahit. Puti Dara Petak changed its name to Sri Tribuaneswari Diyan. Though she had become the wife of King of Majapahit, nurturing Puti Adityawarman Dara Petak remain in the
Because Datuk Ketumanggungan was very old, the year 1295, Dara was called back to Minangkabau Orange to become King of the Minangkabau with Kanduang Bundo calls. Children Bundo Kanduang named Adityawarman stay dikerajaan Majapahit, because Puti Dara Petak not let go home, wanted to continue caring for her sister's child.
After Mother bladder becomes King of the Minangkabau, Datuk Ketumanggungan died at the age of 149 years and was followed by the death of Datuk Perparih Nan A stick in the age of 146 years. The Kambang Bendahari (main handmaidens of the Mother of bladder) in marriage to Happy Long Gobang (1292), which is a diplomatic envoy from the
III. Origin of Minangkabau words
Majapahit people try not to miss his intelligence and ingenuity of the people of
4. Relations with the Negeri Sembilan Minangkabau
Negeri Sembilan state, including one who became the state Federation of Malaysia. Gubernemen Melaka lies to the south east side with Jojor state, north to Pahang and Selangor west side. In the year 1970 states that the extent of 2580 square miles has a population of more than half a million inhabitants with a population of fewer Malays nationals of the Chinese nation. The majority in

History of Minangkabau: The Origins of Minangkabau words
Origin of Minangkabau words
Majapahit people try not to miss his intelligence and ingenuity of the people of
When it came time to complain buffalo, buffalo Majapahit after released in the middle of the arena, the crowd noisy mixed anxious to see how big buffalo on the island does not countenance Believe itu.Dalam time a tense situation, the party people out buffalo country also rose. And what a surprise and liver kecutnya crowd saw them remove a baby buffalo. Children were being closely buffalo feeding, and people do not know, that the baby buffalo was not given the opportunity bebearapa day approached its mother. When he saw a big buffalo buffalo in the middle of the rink children ran to get a pass for a parent with a thirst to breastfeed. Dimoncongnya tied to a spur or minang very sharp. He was butting down a large buffalo's stomach, and menyinduk-nyinduk to breastfeed. So tembuslah Majapahit buffalo stomach, then fled in pain and bled to death. Majapahit people protested saying that country people are corrupt. Commotion ensued and almost a bloodbath. But with dignity Dt. Katumanggungan and Dt. Nan Parpatih Sabatang bring people into the hearing hall. There they Dt. Nan Parpatih Sabatang deflect accusations of Majapahit people. Finally the people of Majapahit pemgakui their omission does not raise the requirements between the two sides before coming into the game.
Since then the place complained that until now the buffalo Affairs Minangkabau. And then the day after the events complained of buffalo with Majapahit victory was famous everywhere, the power of the people who bernenek fathers to
Relations with the Negeri Sembilan Minangkabau
Datuk Perpatih nan A stick in the past reportedly said to have been sailed and came to stop in Melaka and Negeri Sembilan. Negeri Sembilan Negeri Sembilan is now one of the state that became the state Federation of Malaysia. Gubernemen Melaka lies to the south east side with Jojor state, north to Pahang and Selangor west side.
In the year 1970 states that the extent of 2580 square miles has a population of more than half a million inhabitants with a population of fewer Malays nationals of the Chinese nation. The majority in
Patun them reads:
Leguh legah sound carts
Carts, people go to
Let a plate be morning
Although Sepinggan can evening
Pagaruyung also remembered
Negeri Sembilan an empire but the government under the Constitution is there to say Perlembagaan Affairs. Legislative body called the "Council of the Society / Negotiations Affairs who have a member of 24 people. The members are elected by the people in the general election is here to say: Options highway. Implementation of government implemented by the Chief Minister who was accompanied by eight men named members:" Members of the Assembly State Council of the Kingdom. "carpet care is king of glory the lord Besar Negeri Sembilan. In the year 1970 that the ruling is this: The late Tuanku Ja'far Ibni Tuanku Abdul Rahman and he is the eleventh descendant of King Malewar originated from Minangkabau and ruled between years 1773-1795.
Negeri Sembilan government is divided into six regions such as districts in
Before the arrival of the Negeri Sembilan Minangkabau named so in the
First entourage First came a troupe with the leaders of an ancestor whose surname is by his wife, Tok Raja Datuk Seri. But less clear from where they were in Minangkabau. They were on their way to the Negeri Sembilan layover in Siak and then proceeded to cross the
Both the group leader of this troupe and the title of Datuk Raja also comes from a family of Datuk BANDARO prince of the River Arrow Neutral Nature. The group then settled disebuah place famous for Kampung Sungai Layang. Third entourage
This third entourage cages also come from the Stone family in Sumanik Datuk Makudum Sati. They were two brothers: Sutan Sumanik and Johan greatness. The group stopped along the way also in Siak, Melaka, and Rembau. Then create a village called Tanjung Alam, which later changed to
The delegation is coming from Entourage Fourth Sarilamak (Payakumbuh), chaired by Datuk White and they go straight on Sutan
Sumanik who had first opened this township in Negeri Sembilan. White Datuk renowned as a trainer or an expert bomoh mysticism. Beliaulah who named Series Waiting for the king's palace that now.
Then come back row entourage others of which are recorded by the history of Negeri Sembilan:
The party that began inhabiting the advent of the paving stone Rembau (Payakumbuh) with a retinue of paving stone itself and from Mungka. His name is Datuk Lelo Balang. Then followed again the younger brother of Datuk Datuk named Lelo Balang of Kampung Laut in Three grandmother. Although residents acknowledge Negeri Sembilan Datuk Perpatih teachings nan A stick is very popular here but they do not divide the four parts such persukuan in Minagkabau. Perhaps due to the situation and
development as the saying goes: Close search far to find the Hindu tribes, the tribes originated from Negeri Sembilan luhak come from a place or country of origin of their arrival. Based on where they came from such terdapatlah 12 tribes in Negeri Sembilan, each of which is as follows;
1. Flatland
2. Batuhampar
3. Fat Series Pahang
4. Fat Series Minangkabau
5. Mungka
6. Payakumbuh
7. Series Malanggang
8. Tigo Stone
9. Biduanda
10. Tigo Grandmother
11. Acehnese children
12. Batu Belang
Facts and problems
History At a place called River Shrimp approximately 23 miles from Seremban to Port Dickson, there is a sacred tomb. There are also several stones inscribed found such writings inscribed stone found at the stone cages. The person named Sheikh Ahmad bermakam there and came from Minangkabau. He died in 872 H or 1467 AD. And guess who is still unsolved, why the arrival of the first Sekh luahk here and from where it came from. King comes Minangkabau In sending the manuscript of the kings of whom eight people sent to Rembau, Negeri Sembilan named Malenggang Nature. But when the king reviewed the history of Nine Minangkabau country first sent here Raja Mahmud who later styled King Malewar. King Malewar holding power between the years 1773 to 1795. He had two sons and daughter named Tengku Tengku Totok Aisah. He ditabalkan in Penajis Rembau and later moved to the palace Series Waiting. So now still popular proverb which reads:
Be the king to Johor
Roped into the Siak
Staging of the Minangkabau
Negeri Sembilan's arrival brings him to a hair that if you put in a vanity or vanity or Cerana Cerana will meet it. Masuh heirloom that remain are used when crowned a new king. To their surprise why after the death of King Malewar in the year 1795 was not appointed his son as king but once again requested a king of Minangkabau. And sending King Black and dinobatlkan in the year 1795. Black king to marry the daughter of King Malewar named Tengku Aisyah unfortunately he is not endowed with sons.
Black king to marry another woman named Encek Jingka. From his wife he had four sons / daughters named: Tengku Alang Husin, Tengku middle, Tengku Ibrahim and Tengku Alwi. And when he died in the year 1808 return is not surprising also appointed one of his sons.
But once again sent the mission to Pagaruyung to request a new king. And sending King sauntered from Minagkabau and this is likely to be sent King sauntered Nature of the Minangkabau and the delivery of clear title of the kings of Eight in Minangkabau.
Sway king reigned between the years 1808 to 1824. King of swing with the second daughter married the king of Black children and have two sons named: Radin and Tengku Tengku Imam. When the king died dinobatkanlah Tengku sway Radin replace his late father. And this is the first king of Negeri Sembilan which are appointed by the Shareholders and the Indigenous Law was born in Negeri Sembilan. And beliaulah hereditary descent, became king in Negeri Sembilan. Radin was replaced by his younger brother Raja Raja Imam (1861-1869). And then the kings who reigned in Negeri Sembilan: Tengku Ampuan Intan (Stakeholders Officer) from 1869 to 1872, his lordship bran 1872-1888, 1888-1933 Tuanku Muhammad, Tuanku Abdul Rahman 3/8/1933-1/4/1960, Tuanku Munawir 5/4/1960-14/4/1967, Tuanku Ja'far 18/04/1967 crowned. Formation of Negeri Sembilan
Nine countries during the first royal to have family connections with the Minangkabau. Who became king in this land of origin comes from the King of Minangkabau descent. Palace named Series Waiting. Together with the Minangkabau custom, partly according to the rules of customary law in Minangkabau. They have tribes like the Minangkabau but different ways of use.
This migration occurred in the second century begins: XIV, namely when the government advised the people of Minangkabau memperkembang up far beyond the sea. They must find new lands, new areas and then settled in that area. Half the good fortune to meet the residence of the fertile land and open land and make a settlement there. There is also united with the native people who met after moving and becoming a leader there. Surely customs, laws, customary land of origin that he used all the new land. As already described that the Minangkabau people live throughout the region: to Jambi,
In the XVI century the government of their country already made it there. They set up small kerajan of nine fruit and small kerajan unity that they named STATE NINE. This occurs when the Minangkabau country unites these small kingdoms and diperlindungkan under kerajan Johor. After the unitary state was formed with the consensus shared by the
The origin of most of the kids there, country Luhak Fifty Cities, namely from: Payakumbuh, Sarilamak, Mungka, Balang Stone, paving stone, and a small portion of Simalanggang Luhak Tanah Datar. From countries where they came from the country's name into their tribes. Most of the evidence that the people of Negeri Sembilan was mostly from
If taken to the streets over this history, then what is meant by "pirate" it is pirates, the people of King Daeng frangipani who want to rob Sebilan Affairs. And Bugis is a country of origin of frangipani Daeng earlier. And it was bizarre, says pirate who finished fruit Fifty folk songs by the city is not known by the people Luhak
Agam and a little by the masses of the people Luhak Tanah Datar. Because children are descendants of historical facts Nine countries were mostly from Luhak Fifty Cities. Name the tribes of the people there to be clear evidence. Therefore, the Sultan of Johor has been providing assistance in protecting people from the spoils of Negeri Sembilan
Daeng pirate or frangipani, because of this reason his lordship Pagaruyung provide assistance to the Sultan of Johor in providing assistance in Siak fought for the fight against the people of Aceh. So the relationship of such meeting since the centuries makes it an intimate relationship between the countries: Negeri Sembilan on
in particular,